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Lost Pets

It is important to visit the Humane Society at least every 48 hours to see if your animal is here. You can also watch our Facebook page for lost animal pictures posted. We urge you to visit us in person to positively identify your animal. You must show proof of ownership when coming to the shelter and claiming the animal as yours. Things like vet records, multiple photos taken over time, or lost animal post on social are forms of ownership that will be accepted.  Your visit could help expedite a reunion with your pet, as animals often lose their collars and tags.


If your animal is at the humane society, it will be held for three full business days (depending on where the animal was picked up), not including the day it came in on. After this time period has elapsed, the animal will become the property of the Cowley County Humane Society.


If your animal has been picked up by animal control on numerous occasions, you may need to contact animal control before your pet can be released to you.   

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